Susan Eichhorn Young

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Why Do We Study?

Why do we study?

Why do we study, right now?

We are doing everything online, when we do it.

This time in history is revealing much about us, to ourselves. Who are we? Why are we? What do we stand for? Why do we do what we do? What is important? What is not? And, as my colleague and friend, VP Boyle suggested: how are you spending your Gap Year?

If you choose to study, and it is a choice, why? What is it for? What is preparing you for? Why is it important?

Only you can answer that question.

Perhaps it’s important NOT to study. Perhaps it’s important to explore other things during this long intermission of theatre.

Perhaps it’s important to study and continue to create some semblance of structure; of routine.

Perhaps it’s about continuing to explore the details without the frantic energy to have to put it into practice in an audition, or into an 8 show week, or a rehearsal process, or an insane Young Artist’s Program schedule.

Perhaps it’s about discovering what you don’t have time to actually DO when life is insanely busy.

Now you have time to explore what is POSSIBLE as opposed to what is NECESSARY.

What a concept to actually explore the POSSIBILITY of your artistry, instead of what you NEED to do in order to get the job.

What if the POSSIBILITY exceeds the reason for NEED. What about that?

What if possibility has a larger reach, now and forever after, than need.

What if need is no longer relevant? What if realized possibility means more? Means everything?

What if, when asked “why are you here?” you answer: “Because it’s way past time I realize my possibility”.

As a teacher, I would rejoice with you on the spot!

Treat this magnificent time of “gap” as an opportunity; as a possibility; as a unique gift to explore; to finesse; to maintain; to build vocabulary; to build endurance; to build definition; to build understanding; to build specificity;

There doesn’t have to be an end game. There simply can’t be now.

Intermission is extended and we need to release through it, and find more of ourselves. The next act will be created. You simply need to be ready.

What if, you simply study to remain ready, to become ready, to stay ready, to ACTION into readiness?

I am right there with you!

With fondness & fierceness,
