
Your authenticity matters to me, and your voice is needed in this world!

As a teacher, as a guide, as a collaborator, it is my calling to reflect back to you what can be challenged, embraced, honed, and crafted.

Whether it is through my debut book, Beyond The Technique, in a workshop, in a rehearsal, in a masterclass, or in the private studio, we work TOGETHER. We discover TOGETHER. We enhance TOGETHER. We create TOGETHER.

The voice and everything that informs it, is collaborative on so many levels. No voice is the same as another, and that is what gives so much possibility!

Thank you for taking the time here, and I hope you find a blog, a course or class, or other resources helpful.

I look forward to seeing you & hearing from you soon!

Her Story

Susan Eichhorn Young’s journey has led her to teach & create theatre worldwide.  Her mission to help others access authenticity and support performers & artists to discover & reveal their authentic voice, has given her a platform in the private studio,  as a voice consultant, collaborator, as a clinician in masterclasses & workshops, as an adjudicator, and in her online presence.

 Her diverse clientele encompasses emerging artists to established & award-winning artists in theatre, music theatre, cabaret, opera, tv & film.

Located in New York City, her innovative approach has generated a thriving studio which keeps her in high demand within both the Broadway & Operatic communities.

Now, due to technology, Susan is able to work & consult with singers & actors, directors &  theatre companies around the globe via online platforms, as well as in person.

Teacher, mentor, singer, actor, writer, speaker -  Susan embraces these demanding disciplines with  passion, an ongoing pursuit of knowledge, humanity & a little laughter.

Her renowned blog, available at SEY.fyi, is read worldwide and her debut book: Beyond The Technique: An Exploration of Artistry & Authenticity is available for pre-order and releasing June 20th, 2024! It is currently No. 1 new release on Amazon in the Performing Arts!

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