What's in a Headshot?
A musing about those
How important is it? Very.
What is the point? YOU.
Headshots are crucial in our business - and in all aspects of our business!
Finding a photographer can take time, but finding someone you can trust to find YOU in that picture is crucial!
More expensive is not necessarily better - know what you are paying for: this is a service. Look at portfolios - see what you respond to, positively AND negatively.
What are some of the things to consider as you talk to your photographer about your shoot? So often, we expect the professional to create the magic and make us fabulous but they can only work with what we give them, and what we are willing to give to ourselves.
First, know your business. Commercial shots will not be the same as opera shots, will not be the same as music theatre shots, will not be the same as cabaret shots. Many of us wear numerous hats, so make sure to discuss this with your photographer so he/she knows what you are looking for.
What do you want people to see when they look at that
headshot? "Hire me" isn't enough!!! What do you want them to SEE?
headshot needs to look at like you so when you walk into the room, there isn't a disconnect! It can be another "look" to then show the versatility of your look, but it still must be you! A glamour shot is not a
headshot. A more formal shot isn't necessarily a glamour shot!
I would rather someone say "You look even better in person" than "Wow, you don't look anything like your
headshot!" as in that shot is better than you are!
headshot is a calling card - an opportunity to not give it all away, but to entice and draw the person viewing it to stop a second and ponder...
Your hair and makeup might be flawless...your
touchups might be Vogue-perfect...but if your eyes say NOTHING, they will pass by that photo so quickly it will leave you chilled!
Theatre isn't about modelling - it's about showing YOU. The eyes need to show what you are about - or what you want to show about you! What do you want them to see? How do you want them to see it within the structure of the photo?
The photographer brings his/her expertise with lighting, balance
al; the hair/makeup expert (and please use this - it can really make a difference!) will bring his/her artistry to bringing out the features you have that need to be brought out, and balancing those features with the lighting the photographer uses.
YOU are the crucial and important part of this! Decide what you want to be captured. A type? A
fach? A personality? An energy? A what?
Be as specific as you can be...the more specific you are, the more that will show in your eyes and your inflection!! You don't have to be "perfect", but you have to be REAL.
This is business, and so it needs to reflect what you are selling and trying to be seen as. Know what that is. "Ingenue" isn't enough. "Dramatic Soprano" isn't enough. "Lyric Tenor" isn't enough. Why? Because it doesn't tell us anything personal or individual!
Sit down and create adjectives for yourself. Don't be shy. Ask the people you trust - not your mom or dad or your wife or husband if they aren't in the business - you need BUSINESS words. Use your business and team assets for this one.
Ask the photographer what they see in your energy in meeting you. They will be honest. Is that what you want when someone sees you or not? How can you change it or make it larger or more specific?
This will help you in choosing clothing, colours,
jewellry and help your photographer on poses/backgrounds and lightening, and your makeup artist on colours and how he/she paints you!
Every aspect of the business needs a different
headshot focus...the theatre ingenue is not the same as the operatic
soubrette, is not the same as the film/
tv ingenue...know how you can change that "look" and know how to describe her in YOU.
Get creative!!! It's business, but it can be creative.
What do the eyes say? Approachable? Pliable? Open? Closed? Hard? Needy? Available? Trying too hard?
What do you want them to say? Make a decision!!! "I take my work seriously but I have a great sense of humour"; "I am approachable and pliable, but don't piss me off"; "I'm quirky and coy but don't dumb"...."I am noble, expressive and regal"...the possibilities are endless, and the individuality is up to you!
That photo is your foot in the door to any CD, Director, AD, Producer, Agent - so it needs to represent YOU - who you are, what you are about, what you are in the business for.
We want to be individuals and we ARE individual but sometimes getting help from people you trust in the business by asking for 3 names of actors/singers that your energy/voice/look or any combination thereof that you remind them of in ANY way is an interesting way to see how you are SEEN. It can give you a larger perspective that isn't quite so internal and give you a chance to see yourself from the outside in, rather than the inside out.
Take all this information into your photographer. He/she will welcome your input - because YOU are the centre of the project and he/she wants you to shine!
Headshots are an investment. They are a very important investment and need your thoughts, time and energy to allow for a great result!!
What's in a
headshot? Everything you want to be there - and a little mystery to intrigue the other side of the table to look at the resume or simply call you in!