What's the Summer for?

Sunday musings...

If you didn't book a summer show, or summer stock, or a YAP, or a film or a...

What do you do?!?!?

Okay my snowflakes (thank you Lewis Black!)...this is YOUR time to get YOU together...

Summer is a perfect time to take that class, to take some more intense craft-building workshops, to maybe take some lessons that you've wanted/needed and haven't done yet.

Summer is the perfect time to get your materials updated.  How's that website going?  (Yes, you NED one of those in this day and age) How about the reel? How about the sound clips?

Are your photos organized digitally?

Do you have your promo materials organized and updated and ready to send out for August?

Even though many agencies and casting companies slow down in the summer, they ARE open for business!

Are you looking for an agent?  Perhaps a good time to submit when things slow down.  Submit AND FOLLOW UP!  Don't expect that submission to be acted upon if you do not follow up.

Find a way to make yourself known to casting directors:  many give workshops! Take them!  It is a good way to be seen, to be heard, to be noticed!  It's called jumping hoops and paying your dues.

In August, things start to rev up...so if you have time NOW, NOW is the time to be prepared to jump in when things start rolling again.

So quit moping around!!!!  DO something for your craft every day!  DO something for your business every day!

Perhaps creating a "Summer Workbook" is in order - repertoire you need and want to learn/agents you want to contact/casting companies you need to sing for...

Then - what needs updating? website? video clips? sound clips? headshots? promo shots? production shots? resume?

Then - what is your 3 month plan?  Your 6 month plan? Your 12 month plan?

It doesn't have to be in stone - it needs to be fluid and real.  It has to be YOURS.

Then - what classes/lessons COULD I take? What classes/lessons SHOULD I take?  What are necessary?  What are "extras"?  What can I afford?  What I can afford NOT to take?

What have I been putting off and procrastinating about?  Why?  What do I need to do to change that?

Summer can be a PERFECT time for the business of YOU.  Take time to enjoy it, but take time to explore YOU.  Create a plan and keep it fluid.  Know it change as your needs and your career shifts.  Nothing is in stone, but if you don't pursue it, it will not happen.

Write out your goals - SAY them out loud.  CLAIM them and claim the possibility of YOU.

Create your path and walk it.

ENJOY your summer, EVERY day.

Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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