Susan Eichhorn Young

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New content for the studio AND the blog this year of 2015!

I got to sit down with CEO/Founder of CREATIVE SOCIAL MEDIA,  Tony Howell just before the new year to discuss social media for the artist and what we need to consider going forward with our online presence.

I learned TONS from him, and will keep consulting with him as this social media is constantly morphing and changing.  Tony is really an expert in this field, and as an artist himself,  uses both left and right brains with panache and brilliance!  Definitely check him out,  as the site is ever changing, and he does regular webinars and consultations,  as well as all things social media and more!

Check out CSM's sit by clicking above or simply click here.

We are going to keep video-blogging throughout the year with interviews and talks with industry and artists to keep us all updated on what is going on and how we keep ourselves fresh and involved!

So here is the video of Tony & me and our great talk in the Times Square Voice Studio! ENJOY!