The Artists 4 Artists Newsletter Released!

If you subscribe to my Artists 4 Artists Newsletter,  it was released at midnight last night and should be in your inbox somewhere!

If you don't subscribe,  and still want to take a look at the many resources in it,  the link below will take you there!

This newsletter,  although heavily NYC-based,  has many other cities/areas with resources as well as ONLINE WORLDWIDE resources.

From coaches in opera and music theatre,  to classes for performance,  to skin care and makeup artistry,  to fitness,  to photographers,  to finance specialists for artists,  to composers,  to social media and website design and MUCH more - I hope there is something you can find that you might need now, or tuck away for when you may need it!

The newsletter is a labor of love for me and a chance to give back a little to my community of artists.

Hope you enjoy reading through and if you are interested in subscribing to this particular newsletter you can sign up here:

Here's to the artists that support other artists!  Our community is STRONG!


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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The singer neurosis


I just don't know what to do with you...