Sunday musings…

It’s been a slow (!) audition season. Are you in panic mode? Why?

It’s all about mindset.

Are you still “following your passion”? “Chasing your dream”?

What if I told you that the doing of that is what is actually causing you panic?

Let me explain…

What if we change the mindset and simply bring our passion with us? Bring the dream along with us?

This allows you to remain present in everything you DO. Your passion isn’t outside of you, it’s part of what makes you, YOU. Don’t follow it! Breathe it in and bring it with you!

If you are an artist, then that is there 24/7 NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. You inform each part of your day with your artistic spirit; with your passion; with your dreams.

If we allow ourselves to inform our day and our week and our moment by what we bring TO it, then we don’t get into the future or “some day”, nor do we go down the panic rabbit hole of “if only I was…”

You are.

You are an artist.

You are a passionate soul.

You are an actor.

You are a singer.

You are a dreamer.

You are…fill in the blank.

How that manifests depends on the day. How it is realized is how prepared you are to see the opportunity to simply give it another place to be seen.

Dance in the spaces between not in the black or white. It gives you permission to move, to breathe, to calibrate.

If you lead with what you bring with you, the opportunities of action will reveal themselves. I truly believe that.

It doesn’t mean you sit on you butt and do nothing. You just bring all of it with you, into everything you do, everything you explore, everything you function within. Yes, even that day job. Yes, even standing in line for groceries. Yes, even waiting for that MTA train that may never come.

Don’t wait. Don’t assume you will FIND your passion. Don’t keep telling yourself that “when I get that job or book that role, THEN I will find my passion”. It will never happen. NEVER.

Your passion needs to inhabit your NOW. It can then inhabit your NEXT.

Lead with it. Bring it with you.

Take a second right now to say out loud what you lead with. Write it down and say it out loud. Claim it. Take a breath. Say it again.

Don’t waste another second on “when”, because when is right now!

Bring that passion, that reason, that instinct into your decisions right now. Bring all of it into your craft, your study, your day. From the seemingly very mundane to the highest stakes you may encounter.

You will never find it there, if you don’t bring it with you.

You are exactly where you need to be. If that frustrates you, DO it. Build it. Bring it.

There is room for each of us.


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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Passion & Resilience


Please Step Away from the Wall