Happy Sunday!

We all know the saying, the prep of “lights, camera, action!”

What comes before it? Under it? Revealed through it?

I am on a quest to continue to expose what is truly sexy: what lives BENEATH the trappings.


We have to create the mindset: it doesn’t just happen.

We have to develop and lather rinse repeat the habits: otherwise there is no reliable behavior.

We have to put it into action: or we don’t see what we can do, nor can others see how they can work with us!

Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start…

It begins with MINDSET. Your mindset sets your rules, your raison d’être, your focus; how you speak to yourself; your blueprint, your attitude or set of principles.

Your mindset suggests everything about you and how you function in the world, in your craft, in your business and your art form.

We have the power to change that mindset when it’s not serving us. So, sit with it and make some notes.

What are 3 mindsets you engage in your life? Are they positive or do they work against you?

Or, maybe, write down 3 mindsets that are strong and positive that you want to engage in your life.

These mindsets allow you to then discover what HABITS needs to be developed. What habits can you develop more fully out of those mindsets? What habits evoke naturally out of the strength of a positive and specific mindset?

And then: put them into ACTION!

Here’s an example:

Mindset: to be unapologetic

Habit/Behavior: in the audition/submission: to create a positive opening statement of what I bring into the room/to the project/to the audition NOT what I didn’t do; don’t have;

Action: journal it; speak it out loud each day; create the script and PRACTICE it so it feels and becomes natural when the stakes are high and then walk into the audition room with it! Get accountable.

Sometimes, it just takes a little adjustment and awareness and the action becomes clear.

So get into your mindset, find out what isn’t serving you, and change it. Shine a light on it and adjust. Film the habit and behavior by self-observation. Don’t beat yourself up: just begin to create a behavior you can embody that is stronger, more positive and do-able. Then create further action to make it a part of who you are, why you are, how you are.

Take this into your practice, your self-talk, your dreams, your journey.

And have a little fun with it along the way!


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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