Unapologetically Artistic

Am I doing too much? Am I not doing enough?

Stop. Just stop.

What about changing the focus of “doing” right now? Action is happening, action will happen. Soon, we will be called to be fully in action in our creative lives.

What about simply being unapologetically artistic and see what happens?

What does this mean? You decide.

It could mean simply to release the need to make excuses for - you name it - the doing or the non-doing.

It could mean embracing your creativity quietly, personally, gently & tenderly.

It could mean embracing it loudly, publicly, without backing down.

It could mean both.

Being unapologetically artistic allows you PERMISSION TO BE with your inner Muse and follow the lead.

It allows your creativity to show up in different ways.

It allows you to create boundaries.

It allows you to still say “no” during a pandemic.

It allows you to learn to be more pliable.

It allows you permission to rest. To recover. To simply be still.

It allows you permission to move. To test the energy and be energized.

The artistic energy of you can find solace and space in the smallest of things just as importantly as the release and space in a larger project.

It gives permission to hope. to be less judgmental of self. to compare less. to fuss less.

It gives permission to care. to rage. to cry. to get excited. to feel blue. to understand.

It gives permission to simply hold space. It becomes and probably has always been the container we’ve been too busy to recognize has always been there to hold our artistic energy fully.

Hold space to be unapologetically artistic. Recognize the absolute unique presence you carry with you through the day. No excuses, no shrinking away from it, no dismissing it.

Simply unapologetic. Simply artistic.

Aware, pliable, accountable, flexible, curious, creative, inclusive, excited.

Never all or nothing. Always being. Simply being. Crucially being.

Breathe some life into that space. Don’t apologize for that either.

with fondness & fierceness,



Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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