I told James T. Lane this week, during his lesson, that I am getting a t-shirt made with this on it:

“I do not have enough glitter & unicorn poop".”

James is the poster child and epitome of preparation, study, craft and execution. He is ready for everything and anything. He keeps his body strong, his mind and spirit clear, and his voice aligned. His work ethic is second-to-none, and his spirit is giving and bright.

Now, what does that have to do with glitter and unicorn poop?

So glad you asked…

Often in the times B.C. (before Covid), the theatre culture was to fly by the seat of your pants. At least, in the voice department.

As singers, we deal with the intangibles and so, perhaps that’s why it isn’t taken as seriously as a dancer in consistent workout, development and craft. But guess what? It is.

There is no hierarchy. Craft is craft is craft. Lack of craft, is lack of craft. If you say you are a singer, then you must sing. You must LEARN what you DO, and you must DO what you LEARN.

This is not to dismiss the pandemic and all that that has done to our livelihoods, our psyches and more. It is precisely why, now more than ever, if and when we are ready to re-emerge we need to commit to that physicality, that technical behavior, that mindset and that craft.

And guess what? You might not be ready to re-emerge. And that’s okay too. You may have merged and morphed elsewhere and you will take the talent and focus of your being somewhere else. Or, you may re-emerge in a different way at a different time. ALL of this is legitimate and wonderful. Claiming YOU without value judgement and with the boundaries and the “NO!” you need is what we all need.


Let’s not go back to flying by the seat of our pants.

Of wishing and hoping. Of “good enough”. Of dismissal. Of kinda sorta.

I wish my personal trainer had glitter and unicorn poop and could magically just get rid of those 40 extra pounds I want to lose and give me Michelle Obama arms. If I think going into the gym once is going to achieve this, I need to change my mindset.

Not happening. I have to commit to what the work is. I have to acknowledge the mindset and claim it so I can make a plan I can focus on and stick to. AND DO THE WORK.

See where I am going?

When you are ready to do the work, then the mindset changes. The mindset, the spirit, the focus creates the change FOR you to find the structure to build, and develop the technical behavior, the athleticism, and the craft. “Having a nice voice” isn’t enough. It’s never been enough. Striving for the craft to allow you to do the work you desire demands all of your parts!

So, ask some questions: what do I want? do I want that NOW? if yes, what do I need to DO in order to be ready for NOW? What will that take? What is reasonable? Am I setting up goals that I can achieve short term? Long term? Am I creating pitfalls and sabotage? Who can I trust or learn to trust to guide me, teach me, coach me to become better than my previous self? As a human being and as an artist? What does my technical behavior need now? What does my craft need now? Where do I begin?

It all comes from the inside. The core of your being; the core of breath; the core of voice; the core of your determination and focus.

Glitter and Unicorn Poop might create the illusion of magic, but after awhile it’s going to get messy and annoying.

The true magic is in the process and the journey you create moving into that truth. The true magic of that process reveals itself as you CREATE: yourself, your craft, your path.

I still want to get that shirt made. And on the back: “Just do the work”.

When you are ready. It starts with YOU.

with fondness & fierceness,

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Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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Defining Your Worth