Just let me say, there is no way I could unpack this in a blog post. However, it’s something to begin to unpack individually and as a community within our industries.

Often, scarcity mindset is defined as a pervasive feeling of not having enough.

I would suggest, as artists, it’s also a feeling of not BEING enough.

That insidious underlying voice or voices that keeps us tied down to the myths of being an artist: suffering for our art emotionally, mentally, and monetarily. That Stockholm Syndrome of going back for more poor treatment.

Enough. Seriously. ENOUGH.

And yes, trust me, I recognize this scarcity mindset is not changed by the flip of a switch. I continue to have to call it out in my own life. Yes, it takes time, work, therapy, and more work to change the behaviors that are more often than not, ground into us gradually - and frankly, without our consent - so guess what? It’s going to take time to release it.

The abundance mindset that is the polar opposite, does not mean you suddenly become full of yourself.

Slowly becoming aware of your actions, reactions, behaviors, reactions, responses and taking responsibility for them WITHOUT beating yourself up is key. AWARENESS. exhale. NON-JUDGEMENTAL AWARENESS. exhale.

We do the best we can with the information we have. When we know better, we have the opportunity to DO better.

Being an artist does not mean you have to accept the crumbs. It does not mean you have to hustle and accept poor behavior. It does not mean you must suck it up so you don’t burn a bridge. It does not mean you have to succumb to believing the blanket statement myths that are told about YOU developing YOUR career.

As I hold myself accountable for my bullshit as I release the scarcity mindset, so do I gently hold accountable artists and performers in the studio.

We work out the pros and cons. Sometimes the choices have simple solutions; sometimes they don’t. Sometimes an experience needs to happen to say “well I won’t be doing THAT again” and we learn something, we give ourselves grace, and we grow.

Scarcity mindset is dialed in on “survival”. I was there for years. I know it well. I have an intimate understanding of what that feels like, looks like, sounds like, tastes like. I know it so deeply, that even though I know I am releasing it, it’s still more familiar than abundance. Because of that familiarity, it’s easy to slip back into it. Damn that familiarity.

Every day recognizing that familiarity and CHOOSING to create new behaviors, new mindsets, new ways of speaking to the self, new ways of leading with the self, takes focus and consistency. Know you will slip. Give yourself grace. Recognize it, acknowledge it, be gentle and change the focus again.

Over time, these will be come less and less and the familiarity will lean into the abundance you deserve.

Yes you. Yes YOU deserve abundance.

You deserve the power of saying no.

You deserve the power of saying no more.

You deserve the power of choice.

You deserve the power of saying yes.

You deserve the power of burning a bridge that isn’t yours to worry about.

You deserve the power the walk away from scarcity and claim your abundance.

You don’t need to ask permission. It’s yours.

with fondness & fierceness,


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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