oh, where to begin?

My mission, and my “why” are definitely intertwined.

My “why” is to reflect the authenticity of each and every human being who walks into my studio - literally or figuratively - and is seeking to find MORE.

My mission is to then create a safe place for that work to be done. To create a space to find it, hone it, develop it; to make “mistakes”; to get scared; to face fears; to question; to get angry; to release; to rejoice; to embrace; to laugh; to create; to re-do; to re-create;

A tall order, perhaps. Does it all happen at once? Absolutely not. This mission needs trust and a true sense of collaboration. This takes time. I can be patient. I can be stubborn enough to believe that claiming that authenticity is worth the time it takes.

This is why I will continue to question ageism in our industries. Why I will continue to champion to the best of my being, that authenticity and artistry and voice is like fine wine: better with age.

I will not back down on this. I want to see singers and actors inhabit their physicality fully and not fight it. I want to see singers embrace their own voice no matter the age and allow it to continue to blossom. I want to see singing artists stand firmly and gracefully in their possibility and in their truth.

The more we can stand in our knowledge of ourselves, our artistry, our craft, our authenticity, the more we can make choices to change our industry for the better.

Thinking of ageism and time passing - one of the things that really has to go in opera, is dates. Why are there dates for your performance work? What does it matter? In theatre, we do not have dates. We simply have the work.

What if you took off those dates in opera? Would the industry come crashing down? Isn’t that resume simply a representation of what you have done and what you can do? Shouldn’t it reveal your story and be about you? Isn’t it about NOW not THEN?

Just one of many things that can create self-questioning, excuses, fear, frustration.

What would happen if you just took off the dates and stood in your truth and SANG?

These are the things I question, and query. One singer at a time.

And so, we continue to explore our authenticity, our truth, our craft, our artistry. It’s not about perfection. It’s about honesty and pursuit and living fully in the moment of whatever it is we are doing just then.

And, don’t forget to exhale.

with fondness & fierceness,


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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Claiming the Practice Room
