What does it mean?

As children, “I dare you” was often a taunt to do something scary, even dangerous, maybe even gross!

What about now? Still scary, dangerous and a little gross?

What about changing it to challenge?

What do we challenge ourselves with? What are we ready to face? What are not ready to face, but we take a breath and move toward it anyway?

I speak a lot about mindset here and in the studio. Don’t think I have it all figured out either! I work on my mindset every day. Yes, it’s daunting. Yes, it’s often muddy and messy. Yes, it be exhausting. Yes, I don’t wanna somedays.

If we dare ourselves, if we challenge ourselves to continue to look at that mindset and slowly delve more deeply into it, what will it reveal? How will it change?

Yes, that can be scary, gross and a little bit dangerous. What if we don’t like what we see? What if we don’t know how to change it? What if?

I am on this journey with you. Although it can feel overwhelming, the beauty of it, is that it can CHANGE.

My Dad always told us that we, his children, had strong MINDS. I tear up when I can hear his voice saying “Suse, you have a strong MIND. Trust that first.”

I am still learning that. Perhaps that’s the point. Learning. Always learning. Always more to learn. Always room to discover, to re-evaluate, to approach from another angle.

Mindset as an artist must be pliable. It must have permission to move and morph and acquire and release. It cannot get static or locked, or we lose our way.

I think it’s safe to say, we’ve all lost our way, or created roadblocks at some point. Sometimes, it’s for simple survival; sometimes, it’s due to denial; sometimes, it’s for control, even if that control is really a delusion.

Ah, the artistic mindset! What a messy, magnificent possibility!

So, today, I ask us all: what do we dare? what do we challenge ourselves with? What are we willing to allow our MINDS to CHOOSE?

Where to begin?

How to begin?

Without getting into the nitty gritty of what is working technically or not; where you are singing or not; what your voice type is or not; what roles or shows you feel you should or want to sing or not;

Are you showing up for yourself?

What are you telling yourself?

Is that mindset starting from a place of scarcity or a place of abundance? Which would you dare to accept? What have you fallen for?

And, as usual, I have more questions, than answers, but I am with you. I still fall into scarcity mindset because it is FAMILIAR. Dammit. But when I do, I am reminded by my Dad’s voice that my mind is STRONG, and I can CHOOSE to challenge myself. I can DARE myself to move the needle: To lean into abundance even if it feels dangerous, unfamiliar, kinda yuck, kinda murky, and a little scary.

To add to this idea, I am offering something completely new and different through the month of December. Starting tomorrow, Monday December 4th, I will be offering “Mindset Mondays” through the month. Each Monday I will release a short breath/body meditation to begin to focus on the mindset strength. This is my gift to you and to myself this season and I hope you will join me!

Check it out beginning tomorrow sey.fyi/courses - if you dare.

with fondness & fierceness,


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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To Warm up or not to warm up?


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