Susan Eichhorn Young

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It’s Book Launch week!

Are you sick of me yet?!?!

My life feels like a pretty surreal reality right now.

My debut book, the one I have been threatening to write and release for awhile, is FINALLY written and releasing and available on JUNE 20th!!!

Beyond The Technique: an exploration of artistry & authenticity, is a book of musings, to then allow YOU, the artist to explore and muse with me.

Just like this blog, I have questions. Lots of questions. I have observations. I seek and explore and encourage you to do the same.

There are reflections and ideas at the end of each section and within each section of the book to journal, think about, and explore. How you do that is up to you - but watch the website to find a free resource you will have access to on release day!

And you aren’t alone! There will be another free resource COMING SOON once you start exploring the book.

Beyond the technique, beyond the fear of exploration, beyond….

The musings are endless and they are simply governed by your artistry, authenticity, mindset, and craft!

You can purchase a signed paperback copy through the website, although I am currently waiting for more copies as it has SOLD OUT quickly! More are coming, so order NOW!

You can order the book from any of your favorite book stores online in ebook and paperback form. The website will take you to many of these but you can also check your usual book vendor to see who has it worldwide.

Thank you to each of you for reading the blog all these years, and now, for supporting the book.

We need to reach and move BEYOND together! I am excited to share more with you very soon!

with fondness & fierceness,