It’s Officially Fall!

Whether you are an apple cider lover or a pumpkin spice fan, it’s that time!

We are coasting or slamming into fall season, depending on your speed. Personally, beside the ridiculous ragweed allergies, fall is my favorite. It has a feeling of ramping up, and slowing down; of stillness, and energy.

I like to take time to simply inhale and observe. There’s a stillness in fall that I find in no other season, a stillness that paradoxically finds a grace movement and attitude.

As I suggested in a recent blog, #thrilledtoannounce needs another energy from us now. We have the power to shift the narrative.

Fall reveals that to me every year. It’s permission to release: what isn’t serving me, what isn’t serving my clients, what isn’t serving my inner circle. It gives me space to get messy and jump in the leaves, and crunch things up, and stretch out, and look at the sky, and “now what?” without any sense of conclusion.

Don’t misunderstand me, this hasn’t always been the case. I am a recovering people pleaser, type A, eldest child syndrome human. Know any of those?

To release into a season has always sounded good, even great, but HOW?!

Don’t be afraid to get messy. Color outside the lines. Dig in the sand or the dirt. Literally and figuratively. Practice because you want to, not because you have to. Dare to make mistakes and simply observe them.

Releasing into the season of fall allows permission to exhale. We don’t have to hold it all together. Who are we doing that for??? It’s okay to “fall apart”. I prefer the term “fall open”. When we give ourselves grace to fall open, we allow ourselves to see ourselves - messy and marvelous. Who said we had to hold it all together?!?!!?

I say take the season change to fall open, reveal, release and then breathe your parts together THE WAY YOU WANT TO.

As creators, we explore. We might like one take and keep it, but there might a hundred others that just didn’t work. However, if didn’t do all those takes, how would we find the one that is “IT”?

The fall season allows room and permission to explore and release. We can decide how messy that will be, and how we clean it up! If you’ve finger painted, or had a food fight, or played with clay or mud, or jumped in rain puddles, you know how absolutely EXHILARATING the sensation can be! Your whole being vibrates as you release into the sensation.

What if we gave ourselves permission to do what nature does? What if we respond to our season with curiosity and not dread? What if we get messy, and laugh, and cry, and feel all of it, and then gracefully release what isn’t necessary anymore? What if we find those peaceful, tranquil moments in our day to breathe our parts together after falling open, in order to greet the challenges we face with a stronger sense of groundedness and rooted-ness in the truth of ourselves?

This is officially fall. This is officially YOUR fall. This is officially yours to fall open. This is officially yours to fall open and breathe and laugh and release.

Be thrilled to announce the you that claims this fall season. That’s enough.

with fondness & fierceness,


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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Thrilled to Announce…welcome to the fall season