2012 Reading List begins!


As a music theatre student/singer,  what is on your bookshelf?

I thought to start the new year, I would suggest some reading to you - great books to read, to peruse, to go back to for excellent information!  This list is by no means definitive but it might get you looking in the right direction!  These are not books I say I use - although I read them and discover that ANY book has SOMETHING I can glean.  I do not have to agree with it all - but I can appreciate where it comes from, what it is trying to evoke and discover truths and discoveries in all of it.  We find what we need when we need it.  Reading accesses into the DOING that we must then seek out in study,  exploration and performance.

1. Rock the Audition - by Sheri Sanders

This is the ONLY text that addresses what is required for rock/pop music theatre auditions.  I know Sheri well,  and cannot recommend this enough.  It reads like she speaks to her singers - it is FULL of great information,  truth,  compassion and all things Sheri!  You NEED this in your library.  And there is a DVD for viewing.  You will read and absorb and go back and read again.  NECESSARY for EVERY MT singer!!

2.  Make it Your Business - by Paul Russell

Paul is a former actor and a current Casting Director in NYC.  He writes a great, no-nonsense blog about the business and this book is funny,  and dead on! Paul reveals common mistakes that you can avoid as you pursue your career.  He discusses so many aspects of the business that we often take for granted and need to revisit to remind ourselves of what can work for us and not against us!  Needed in your library in MT and straight theatre.

3. Self-Management for Actors - Bonnie Gillespie

ANYTHING Bonnie writes has relevance.   This is for ANY of us in ANY aspect of the business.  Straight forward,  solid common sense (which isn't so common anymore),

4. The Tao of Show Business - Dallas Travers

Dallas is motivational and works thus.  This book really shares the day to day.  It is powerful and real and will perhaps give you perspective.  From definitive action, to motivational inspiration,  you will discover MORE here in all aspects of being in the business.

5.  The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron

This bestseller works with the Artist within.  It begins to uncover the creativity of self day by day. The balance of artist and business person is so important and this journey allows you permission to access that creative spirit fully.  Intensive and action-oriented,  you will be tasked to be true to your path!

6.  An Actor Prepares - Stanislavski

Legendary and needed read!  Written very conversationally, and with wit and common sense,  this is a must read on any actor's shelf.  It is a manifesto of sorts,  and whether you CHOOSE to subscribe to this particular system of acting or not,  it is a solid read and delivery and discovery of what acting could be. 

7.  The Art of Acting - Stella Adler

Another legend and necessary read!  She actually studied with Stanislavski!  This collection of her lessons begins to give an actor an opportunity to find each chapter named in its action.  This is a stimulating read, and re-read!

8.  The Oxford Companion to the American Musical

A great book on the shelf to refer to,  and a rather detailed overview to the musical.  Of course there are always things left out,  but there are some great little tidbits of information that will be interesting.  A great resource material!

9.  Get the Callback: The Art of Auditioning for Musical Theatre - Jonathan Flom

a good easy-to-use no-nonsense step by step book.  Some great dos and don'ts lists, but being published in 2009, know some of those lists have changed!!  Again, great information to those getting started,  or to refresh some common sense reminders to those who have been doing it awhile!

10.  Acting the Song - Allison Bergman/Tracy Moore

Chapters are well defined to discover the different elements a singer needs to integrate the acting of the song.  Sections for beginning students, intermediate and advanced performers.  Some clear insights, and specific exercises to add or enhance one's development.


These are simply suggestions you might want to add to your shelves...find what makes sense to you!  Find what you can use!  Read,  utilize, and discover the professionals that can help you lift it off the page and make it CRAFT!



Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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More Reading Lists 2012 for The Actor in MT AND Opera!


Career Consultations Available in 2012