You don’t have to re-invent the wheel.

You don’t have to re-create the entire structure.

You the artist, are always under re-invention.

Re-invention and tweaking isn’t tearing it all down, but working the structure that is there and finding the ability to tweak in order to re-invent.

It’s never all or nothing. Re-invention is always available to you. To us.

I love that we have that fluidity. We have possibility. We have choice.

We should have that as human beings, and then allow that as artists.

We are never “done”. This is magnificence of our creativity. It needs a place to reside, to grow, to activate. This is what we do: we bring dimension to words, to language, to breath, to notes on the page, to characters. We breathe life into the inanimate and create multi-dimensional conversations and intimacies that are heard, felt and seen by audiences past, present & future.

We create the times we are in.

We define the times we are in.

Yes, it’s a responsibility. Yes, it’s a privilege. Yes, it’s a challenge!

Yes it is broad strokes. Yes it is subtle tweaking. Yes it is unapologetic re-invention.

Yes, AND…

When you are ready, embrace it.

When you are ready, challenge it.

When you are ready, push against it.

When you are ready, let it envelope you.

When you are ready, get consumed by it.

When you are ready, you’ll know.

Breathe. It’s all in the magnificence of you.

With fondness & fierceness,



Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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The Breath