"You would rather find purpose, than a job or career. Purpose crosses disciplines. Purpose is an essential part of you. It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history. Your very existence is wrapped up in the things you are here to fulfill. Whatever you choose for a career path, remember the struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose."

— Chadwick Boseman

We lost a King this week. A man who lived his life, his craft, his PURPOSE. We will continue to learn from him, as his story continue to be told. Even in death, great story tellers continue to reveal.

What is your purpose? Have you found it yet? Why are you here?

A purpose is not handed to you. It is bestowed upon you. It demands of you to do the work in order to discover it, and CLAIM it.

Why do you do what you do? Where do you lead from?

We, as artists are called to shape the times we find ourselves. Always. In every time. We truly define the times we live in. We find ourselves in truly interesting times.

You are essential. Your purpose is essential. Your purpose reveals itself as you pursue it. It may be embodied in different places at different times. It is fluid, pliable, innovative. It is creative, it is inquisitive. It is bigger than a job. It is the reason you DO that job.

A job does not define you. YOU define how you inhabit that job, no matter the job. Any job. Any career. Any path. Any direction. Finding your purpose gives you the larger reason, the larger action, of why you do what you do, and how you do it. You fulfill from that purpose. You direct from that purpose. That purpose, YOUR purpose is larger than anything one dimensional.

You are a multi-dimensional being. So is your purpose. That multi-dimensional purpose will never fit into the boxes that are created, and so we must claim and create in order to inhabit who we are, why we are, where we lead from.

Purpose leads with authenticity & integrity, and even if the road is hard, it will be meaningful and true.

Purpose is not hard. Purpose doesn’t know time. It doesn’t know emotion. Purpose is waiting to be seen, felt & heard. And claimed. And named. It wants to belong to you, and with you.

It wants to lead. It wants to reveal.

Purpose is larger than any location it inhabits. It leads everything you move toward, move away from, create, explore. It allows you permission to discover where it needs to be seen, & how it needs to manifest.

It asks one thing only: commit to finding it.

Don’t assume.

Don’t “yeah, but…”

Don’t confuse purpose with path.

Purpose leads. The path is simply where you decide to begin walking.

Don’t try to push purpose around. Let it reveal itself fully to you so you are able to embody it, no matter the form.

Listen to the King.

Purpose is ESSENTIAL.

Artists are ESSENTIAL.

Dance with that. Breathe that in.

Then take a step and begin the work.

Let Purpose ask you: Why are you here? That is the true work. That is the deep work. The answers are there to be claimed.

with fierceness & fondness,



Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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