What are we continuing to learn through this time?

What are you continuing to learn? To lean into?

Are you finding honor in what you do? In who you do it with? In why you do it?

What do I do?

Yes, I teach. Yes, I pursue knowledge (and side note: autocorrect wanted “pursue” to become “purée” but I digress). Yes, I am a seeker.

But my honor, my truth is holding space.

I hold space for each and every artist, performer, seeker, explorer, voice user, voice possibility, singer, actor and I am home there.

In learning how to hold space for those who entrust me, I am learning how to hold space for myself.

In learning how to hold space, time as we know it turns into presence and experience.

In learning how to hold space, anxiousness & fight or flight begins to calm and release.

In learning how to hold space, the unknown doesn’t have so much power, but the unconscious has permission to emerge and reveal what we need to know.

I honor that.

I honor that for you, who leans in and asks if they can be in that space.

I honor that for me, who leans back against it, and can call it home.

Holding space takes presence; it takes focus; it takes commitment. It takes trust. It also takes permission.

The honor of holding space simply requires BEING.

In the being, the doing reveals.

Why are you here? Let me just hold space, so it can be revealed to you.

with fondness & fierceness,



Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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