Sunday Musings…

It’s the end of February, and I can hear you say “Susan, I don’t feel creative and I have no energy.”

Trust me, I get it. Winter depression is real, and add to that where we are in this pandemic, and our industry - creative what? energy who?

The sun was shining a couple of days ago, and it changed my mood and my energy. There’s hope.

Here’s a little whisper in your ear: you don’t have to FEEL creative; you ARE creative. Not feeling it doesn’t mean it has disappeared. Just like winter, the spark of energy that ignites that creativity can sleep and remain dormant for awhile, but it’s there. It’s there because you are there.

That spark of energy just needs some TLC and awareness. Simply acknowledging that it’s there can be enough. Nudge it gently and watch how it responds.

We often forget, as creative beings, how we live our lives creatively without even thinking about it. It doesn’t have to be some grandiose accomplishment or project. It often is something we think of as insignificant. Perhaps giving yourself to stay present in your day will reveal how often that creative energy spark ignites: conversations, meals, imagination with our children, how we enter our to-do lists, what we listen to - music, podcasts, what we watch and what we take away from that; All of these seemingly unconscious actions can truly be a part of our creative energy.

Just because you don’t “feel” like singing today/practicing/creating a project that looks like XYZ, doesn’t make you less creative.

Let’s take “feel” out of it. It’s not creative feeling. It’s creative ENERGY. It’s that awareness of action, of spark, of possibility, of ‘what if’.

What if…

It doesn’t have to have a destination. It just needs you to begin. One gentle breath at a time. One stretch at a time. One thought at a time. One “what if” will lead you.

With fondness & fierceness,



Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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