What if we just don’t go back to “normal”?

After a year, what is “normal”, anyway?

Our industry needs big change. Big, awesome systemic change. We all need to be a part of that.

But what are the little things, the little-BIG things we can do, call out, not invest in any longer, that would begin to see these changes?

What are some little things we could do that might actually be empowering, and even, dare I say, enjoyable?

I can’t answer these questions for you, only you can. It is worth having the conversation with yourself about how you CHOOSE to re-enter a changed industry; How you choose to claim your space AND your boundaries; How you choose to reveal what you want seen about you, known about you, felt and heard about you.

Yes, these are in your grasp and you have control of all of this!

Perhaps that will be one of your silver linings: Never again will I….

Just by acknowledging this, it will keep you present. It will nudge you when you might fall back against an old habit or behavior that doesn’t serve you, and probably never did.

And as you list those “never agains” - then add in what you WILL do instead. Always give yourself permission to find the action of the new behavior. The empowerment and positivity that you can claim is endless!

Feel free to share some of these in the comments! I would love to know what you are changing!

Oh, and that section called “special skills” on your resumé? Could we eliminate that and simply create an area full of “fun facts” that would allow conversation starters and permission to ask questions and be human beings and learn things about each other?


With fierceness and fondness,



Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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