What is joy, anyway?

There is the dictionary definition: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires”

“a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated:”

To me, this suggests a deeper, more stable, more rooted, more conscious sense of knowing, not just feeling.

This sense of knowing, of being grounded, allows us to explore the possibility, or simply sit with the knowledge without doing anything.

As artists, we DO. But we also ARE. During this time, our “DO” and our location was taken away.

HOWEVER, our ARE was not. Why we ARE was never taken from us.

This is where the joy truly resides. Once the action returns fully, or we find where we want to action that, we will find a location again.

For now, and ongoing as needed, the joy of YOU resides deep within the artistic center of you.

You create the boundaries.

You create the parameters.

You create. You acknowledge. You root. You stabilize. You move. You stay still.

There is joy to allow you to respond. Joy allows. Even when we don’t feel it.

Nurture that artistic spirit in, perhaps, new and completely different ways. Who knows? You might find joy resides there too.

I believe that once the feelings subside, there is a contented sigh when joy settles in. A settling that is deep and knowing and permanent. At least that is what I am discovering.

True joy might be the bread crumbs to get home.

Perhaps it isn’t what gives you joy, but rather, what inspires your deep primordial joy to reveal itself.

See? It’s been there all along.

Happy Spring! It’s renewal, and possibility: THAT stirs my joy.

with fondness & fierceness,



Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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Get Ready, Stay Ready


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