Today I released my new Sunday Musings Newsletter. If you haven’t subscribed, I hope you will.

I wanted to amplify the creative energy with something in your inbox on Sundays that would be short segments to nurture, energize & revive your artistic senses by introducing/re-introducing you to artists of all kinds and within our digital following.

I share who is touching and inspiring me, with the hope that something will spark something in YOU and give you permission to get inspired and continue to explore.

The artistic process never stops. It can lay dormant, building up momentum. It can change direction, and take on different forms. It can. re-focus, re-generate, re-boot. It is always there. The artistic process stays ready.

It then becomes a decision and choice, to throw the covers off and engage.

We see the light getting stronger at the end of the tunnel. We feel the buzz of possibility and hope.

Are you ready? Is it time to get ready and stay ready?

There is no value judgement if you have gone dormant. Your artistic energy has been waiting to revive and begin to pick up steam.

Just start where you are. No what ifs, no woulda-coulda-shoulda. Just now. Just you.

Baby steps. Shake the cobwebs out. Start stretching again. Start plotting out your daily course again. Start exploring what your artistic craft needs, what it doesn’t, what is old, what could be new.

Know what needs to get ready. And begin that journey from where you are.

There is nothing worse than not being ready when the opportunity reveals itself.

No hesitation, just start exploring to see where you are, and begin to move toward the ready-ness of where you want to be.

No comparison.

No judgement.

No second guessing.

This is fresh start in a famished world.

We need art more than ever. You are part of that. We need the stories, the inspiration, the tears, the laughter, the community of sharing and experiencing together, and of healing together.

Get ready. Stay ready. BE ready.

with fondness & fierceness,


P.S. if you want to sign up for the Sunday Musings Newsletter, you can do it. HERE


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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Your Strengths, Your Cobwebs


What Gives you Joy?