Sunday Musings…

I think we have all seen the “Christine Call”, as Tara Rubin Casting has put out a call for future replacements.

It certainly is a glimmer of hope that our industry is returning, and the cobwebs are being brushed off to begin the process again.

How about YOUR cobwebs?

Are you ready to brush those off and rediscover your strengths, or have you kept those strengths in working order? There’s no value judgement if you haven’t kept up with your craft, especially through this global pandemic.

So, how did you feel when you saw or heard about the “Christine Call”? Did you get excited? Scared? Panicked?

Did you take a breath and a step back and evaluate where you are?
Did you feel pressured to submit? Did you want to run?

Did you get excited, knowing you are right for the show? Right for the role?

As we begin to open our industry, people will want to submit.

So, here’s the deal, pre-Covid, post-Covid, moving forward: submitting for a role means you know enough about your voice, your craft and your ability to do the role effectively, and would be right for the role.

Submitting because it’s there wasn’t a good reason before, and it’s not a good reason now.

If it’s not your show, your role, it’s okay. It’s still time to explore your strengths, and blow off the cobwebs to check in and see where you are, where you need to be and how you close that gap!

It’s also time to give yourself the grace to acknowledge YOU. You the artist, you the human being, and accept that with open arms. Who you are right now matters. Where you are right now matters.

What about looking inward and ACCEPTING who is there? That doesn't mean we don't keep WORKING to develop the potential within, but accepting what we see and learning to embrace the positive and the strength of who we are RIGHT NOW and what we have to offer is one of the most important lessons we have.

Maybe you aren’t a Christine; Maybe you aren’t a Christine right now.

So what can you do NOW? To get ready to audition for her one day, or to be ready to audition for what you will be ready for?

How can you prepare technically, musically, dramatically, artistically to begin to find those strengths and surprises as you continue your artistic journey?

What do you do well RIGHT NOW? What is STRONG, COMMITTED and TRUE?

There are many levels to consider, and all those levels need to be acknowledged and observed.

You can categorize “strengths”, “still growing”, “cobwebs”, “Attention needed” and see how they intersect!

Get creative with what you discover and don’t be afraid to embrace all of it - including the cobwebs!

As you discover your strengths, ask WHY and HOW it reveals itself. WANTING it to be a strength, doesn’t make it so. It’s hard, but it’s necessary. This allows you permission to discover another level of authenticity in your craft and your pursuits.

Perhaps as we become further evolved in this process the "wants" begin to dim - and the "reals" emerge with clearer focus and vitality!

What is actually there could be exciting and motivating! it could pivot you away from something you thought you had to do, toward something that will inspire you to become.

As auditions start to come up, before you just knee-jerk reaction one way or the other, know the requirements and demands of that role. Look at what you do, where you are, and what you want to evoke. If it’s not a fit, it’s okay. There will be something else coming that will be a stronger, and more successful choice.

You can only lead with your strengths once you truly know what they are. Make it your mission to know what they are. Commit to finding them fully.

Just do the work. It’s okay if you aren’t right for something. We can’t be all things. We can’t fulfill every niche.

Do not apologize for finding those strengths, leading with those strengths, and blowing off the cobwebs from what could be your strengths!

Here’s to all the glimmers of hope and possibilities onward!

with fondness & fierceness,



Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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