How do you describe yourself? What you do?

Is there an apology in that descriptive? An excuse?

Let me give you an example:

The ‘starving’ artist.

The ‘out of work’ actor.

The ‘aging’ singer.

See what I mean?

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we allow others to do it to us?

It’s got to stop. The survival mentality, the scarcity mindset must stop. And it starts with us.

We have the power to simply not use these adjectives and descriptives.

The artist.

The actor.

The singer.

The dancer.

The performer.

There is no room for apology or survival or scarcity in what we do, and in who we are. We have developed focus, craft, creative energy, skill sets, and more. THAT is what we need to lead with.

No more apology or allowing someone else to define what you do, or who you are.

Can you imagine someone in another profession being defined in ways that are demeaning, or unprofessional?

Let’s stop it now. Let’s begin with ourselves first and make sure that how we are describing ourselves to OURSELVES is not demeaning, apologetic or negative. We can then put that out into our sphere, and hold others accountable too.

Get creative with your adjectives. Let them ENHANCE and ELEVATE YOU.

I know what you are thinking: but what if they make me look too full of myself? but I am not sure I believe that about myself;

What do you know about you? What do you know about your craft? about your talent? about your skills? about your commitment? about your passion? about your focus? about your work?

THAT is never “too much”. You are never “too much”.

So, drop some adjectives and descriptives in the comments if you want to share. If you want to keep them private, simply write them down.

No apologies. Nobody has to know what adjectives empower you. Only you need to write it down, and claim it.

Cross out all those negative words: there is no excuse, no apology for being YOU, and for DOING you.

with fondness & fierceness,


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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The Solidarity of Survival