It’s so easy to go down the self-sabotage rabbit hole.

Self-talk takes all kinds of forms, from excuses, to delusions, to negativity.

I wasted this year.

I haven’t done enough.

What if I never perform again?

Why didn’t I….?

How come I haven’t….?

Sound familiar? Or some form of that?

Okay. Slow your roll.

Before you begin to spiral into the self-sabotage, hear me:

Just show up.

No excuses, no negativity, no justifications. Just show up.

It’s probably the hardest thing to do, and the most successful and motivating experience we will have.

Excuses slow us down.

Self-doubt gets in the way.

Justifications shut us down.

You haven’t sung in a year? Just show up.

You haven’t practiced craft or technique in months? Just show up.

You haven’t cracked open your audition book? Just show up.

Because, guess what? it’s okay. It’s okay to be right where you are, right now, right here. You are showing up just reading this.

You don’t need to fix anything, or say anything, or feel anything. You simply need to show up.

Once you’ve given yourself permission to not overthink that (!!!), the showing up leads to all the possibilities ahead.

Don’t let the possibilities overwhelm you. Don’t let the path intimidate you.

Inhale, exhale, take a step out, and simply show up. Be there.

Let that be enough. Let that reveal to you precisely what’s next.

(P.S. and you still don’t have to wear pants yet if you don’t want to)

with fondness & fierceness,

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Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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Patience in Practice


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