Sunday Musings…

So, theatre is announcing openings, auditions have begun, rehearsals are happening, performances are progressing….

This is an exciting time for all of us in theatre, no matter our contribution!

So, what changes? What remains the same? What HAS changed? Who has changed?

I don’t have answers fully to any of this. What I do know is this: all industries are made up of human beings. Human beings who are responsible to make the change in themselves to create the larger change.

Your change, my change, is crucial to any chance of change we want to see, hear and feel moving forward.

What doesn’t change is the questions we continue to ask of ourselves, in order to be ready to enter the next.

What am I doing for my craft? My health? Physical, Mental, Emotional? My relationships? Personal and within the industry I am in?

Where are my boundaries? When do I speak up? When do I get quiet and listen?

How am I heard? Literally and figuratively!

How do I take responsibility? How do I hold others to their responsibility?

What do I call out? What do I dismiss?

What do I need to do in order to claim my authenticity and lead with integrity moving into this new next?

What am I afraid of? Why?

What do I simply not engage in anymore?

What changed?

Everything must begin with YOU. with ME.

You are CRUCIAL in what happens next.

What changes depends on what we demand of ourselves, and others.

What changes depends on what kind of commitment we see through.

What changes depends on how we join forces and together make that change.

Everything can change if we are ready to BE the change.

Conscious intention: in authenticity, integrity, boundaries, awareness, pliability, creativity, craft, commitment, focus.

What changes?


with fondness & fierceness,


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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