****an update on the update!

Five Pillars is now available ON DEMAND for the lifetime fo the course! You can take it, re-take it, re-visit what you need, and build it out! Take advantage of updates and bonuses ongoing!

Find it here: susaneichhornyoung.com/courses

I am thrilled to offer my online course!

The Five Pillars of Vocal Athleticism: a 5 Day Vocal Rediscovery & Vocal Reboot.

This is not to replace what you know and do, but is here to enhance what you know and do.

Each day, we will isolate what I call, one of the essential pillars of vocal athleticism. You will receive an email and link to that day’s video to work on, in your own time, with specific information, focus, and exercises to work with me.

If you need to get back into shape; rediscover your athleticism as a singer; restructure and re-energize your practice; get a fresh perspective that you can integrate, this course is designed for YOU.

Brush off the cobwebs, build some behaviors back and get ready to audition, rehearse and perform!

This is what happens UNDER the genre and style so you can develop the riffs, the runs, the cadenzas! Sing the arias, and 11 o’clock numbers; take on that role that you have dreamed about.

Registration will be open Saturday June 12 & Sunday June 13th.

The course will begin its 5 Day Reboot on MONDAY JUNE 14th.

This initial release of the course will be available at the introductory fee of $149.

You can register HERE: susaneichhornyoung.com/five-pillars

I am thrilled to share this journey with you!

With fondness & fierceness,

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Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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