Re-Creating Personal Narrative

Sunday Musings…

Are you ready to re-create your personal narrative?

Are you suddenly into crisis mode and jump back into things without thinking who is in charge? Who is making the decisions? How are you speaking to yourself? Are you making excuses already? Blaming self? Blaming others?

Slow your roll.

I believe unconscious self-narrative is a form of stress management to survive.

HOWEVER, you creative soul, YOU? You need a creative PERSONAL narrative.

One of the silver linings of this time is that it truly gives you permission to re-create that personal narrative. It’s not just a story. It’s larger than that. It’s an opportunity to observe what you’ve been using, what needs to be freshened up, what needs to go, and what you need to claim now.

By nature, artists & creators have the capacity for self-doubt. We need to question. This is part of the process, how we process, how we grow. Creating and re-creating that personal narrative is so important to a healthy development as an artist.

So, what are you saying? What do you WANT to say? What do you believe? What do you want to DO? What matters to you?

What do those answers allow for - in exploration and development?

Is your narrative full of statements, or full of questions? What kinds of questions are you asking?

Get conscious about this. THIS will guide you into re-creating the conscious personal narrative that will inform all your actions, and your reactions.

Don’t fall for the old paradigm. Don’t fall for the familiar but unfit. Don’t fall for the one size fits all responses.

Don’t fall for anything that will not, and cannot, serve your truth.

This starts with YOU. Yes, even your unconscious language can try to sabotage a re-creation of narrative!

Here are some possibilities:

Start with a statement: I AM ________. One word responses can be great.

Begin writing/typing. Whatever comes up, write it down. The good, the bad, the indifferent. There is no value judgement here.

Now go with: I HAVE _________. Again, just write/type. No value judgement.

Now: I DESIRE _______________. Let your soul lead you.

Now: I NEED _________________. Needs & desires are connected but not the same.

FInally: I WANT TO BE ______________.

As you review, you will see specific details, as well as over-arching concepts and ideas. Use them all.

With each response, now you can begin to ask the questions. If you desire something, how do you achieve it? If you need something, how do you create that reality? If you ARE something, why is that important? How do you embody that fully? If you have something, how do you lead with it? Or don’t you?

The clearer the creativity of personal narrative becomes, the more observant you will be in where you will spend your time and energy, how you will spend your time and energy, with whom, and for what reason.

As you re-create your personal narrative, and you enter or re-enter into spaces, what is negotiable? What is absolutely not?

Sometimes the answers and the discoveries are surprising: Surprisingly useful; revealing; lift weights; Sometimes they are jarring in what they reveal. These answers, however, could re-create a healthier personal narrative that allows you to re-emerge with more grounded and secure sense of self.

It is okay to be just where you are. It is okay to develop a personal narrative that reflects that. It’s okay to grieve. It’s okay to step back. It’s okay to rest a while longer. It’s okay to question. EVERYTHING.

Don’t just jump in without thinking. Re-create, re-evaluate, re-discover, everything and anything that needs your attention.

Your narrative leads you, whether you are conscious of it or not. CHOOSE to be conscious. CHOOSE to create it fully and unapologetically.

Create what is truly there, in the multi-dimensional energy you possess. Lead with that.

with fondness & fierceness,

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Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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