“Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open.”

Elmer Leterman

This quote jumped out at me this morning. I immediately saw the threads link through authenticity and integrity, talent and craft, drive and focus, passion and commitment, naivete and knowledge.

What doors are you discovering? What doors are you choosing? What doors are you trying?

The decisions are endless, and the choices are many. HOW we approach each door is what we need to stay present for. This will determine if we are truly ready to accept the invitation to cross the threshold or not.

Some doors are left open for us. Some are locked. Some are open a crack to see if we are ready to explore. Some need some WD40. Some are locked - from one side or another. That’s an interesting concept too.

Are we willing to acknowledge both sides of the door?

What leads us there, and then what must we take across the threshold to fully inhabit the other side of the door?

Sometimes, we are just not ready.

Sometimes, we just don’t want to.

Sometimes, we simply cannot.

Sometimes, we realize we do have the passion.

Sometimes, we recognize we do not.

Sometimes, we have the raw talent.

Sometimes, we don’t have the skill set.

What leads and what follows? What must lead and what must follow?

Choose your doors. Walk away from the doors that will not serve you, are not ready for you, or simply are not yours to walk through.

Contemplate the doors that you could walk through, when you are ready. When THEY are ready for you.

It’s not open or closed. It’s not either, or. It’s not neither, nor. It’s not black or white.

What leads you to the threshold? How do you approach it? Will you try to get through? Will you panic? Will you easily cross that threshold? Will you fight that lock? Will you lock it from your side? Or will you acknowledge that door, and smile, and say “not now”, and walk away?

All are valid. All are true.

Lead with you. Acknowledge all of you. CHOOSE you.

The doors will appear. Then it’s up to you to explore!

With fondness & fierceness,

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Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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