Sunday Musings…

I would like to give us all permission today:

Simply be wherever you are.

It’s okay if you don’t have energy.

It’s okay if you don’t feel grounded.

It’s okay if your voice feels tired.

It’s okay if your body feels overwhelmed.

It’s okay if your mind can’t stay focused.

It’s just…okay.

It’s okay if you aren’t okay…and then are…and then aren’t.

Sound familiar?

Give yourself some grace and some time. Don’t think you must “be somewhere” . Don’t feel it has to be all figured out, motivated, perfectly in position and ready to go.

BE. Simply BE.

This is probably the hardest thing. We feel we should be doing more; we feel guilty; we get frustrated; we feel listless; the gremlin voices start chattering inside our head…

Sound a little familiar?

No matter where you are - JUST BE.

Acknowledge it.

I tell singers in the studio to simply be there. No excuses, no worries. We simply begin where you are. You do not need to be somewhere to be somewhere.

You do not need to ‘accomplish’ something prior, to fully embrace and embody the session you have walked into.

And the magic is? When you welcome yourself into the space you are in, it gives you more room to settle in, and discover what that space will reveal to you, and in turn, how you will use it.

Suddenly, there is opportunity and permission just to experience where you are. No value judgements, no rushing, no gremlin voices.

And magically, the body, the breath, the vibration begin to intermingle and re-acquaint, and you might just feel like you’ve come home.


with fondness & fierceness,


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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SATURDAY SPOTLIGHT! Nathan Nolen Edwards
