In our world of social media, we often feel we must “appear”. Appear to be doing, appear to be achieving, appear to be pursuing.

We see others doing, achieving and pursuing, and wonder what is wrong with us.

We are in a time of illusion, and dare I say, delusion.

Yes, there are honest posts being posted. On the far extreme there are illusionary posts - like the self-appointed influencers posing and leaning on a ridiculously expensive car. A car they don’t own but rented for the photo shoot. However, it gives this illusion of wealth, of achievement, of hustle.

What does that have to do with the artist? The performer?

Do we quietly create the pursuit? Or are we using props for that illusion?

We have entered October today. A new month, a final quarter of the calendar year. We have an opportunity every day to start fresh, but a new month and a fresh page is always welcome.

What are you focusing on this month? What pursuits are first and foremost in your mind?

Are those pursuits anchored in authenticity? Or are those pursuits cloaked in props to make them look important enough? Who are you fooling?

It takes so much more energy to create the illusion and pull together the props than it does to simply focus on the pursuit. The pursuit doesn’t need to be loud or extravagant. It certainly can be shared, but it doesn’t need a prop, or a riddled narrative, or a drama, in order for it to be authentic.

What would happen if we simply cleared the space to discover what we wanted to pursue, and why. Yes, it might be scary - but we are in a good month for that! Yes, we may feel resistance within ourselves - any truth pushes back a little. Yes, we may want to create an excuse or 10 - also a way to self-soothe.

There is no value judgement in any of it.

it’s recognizing and truly coming to terms with what and why. The terms are yours.

Are your pursuits setting you up for self-sabotage? Are they bigger than they need to be, to ensure failure? Why?

Are your props superficial enough that that pursuit, or lack of one, can be disguised, altered, or hide in plain sight?

We can use anything, or anybody, as a prop. We can confuse the prop for the pursuit. it’s up to us to figure it out, and not make excuses.

So, take a moment today - make a moment - and clear some space to be honest with your pursuits. Or at least begin that journey. What do you need to do, in order to pursue? What have you been using that creates the illusion? What is real? What is needed? What is unnecessary?

I think I will do the same.

with fondness & fierceness,


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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Glass Half Full or Empty?


What are you choosing?