I shared this on the socials last week:

Now, that doesn’t mean that choices have to be changed. That’s the beauty of choice. We change because of our choices. Our choices change us. Sometimes our circumstances can’t be changed even if we would like to choose differently, so we change the choice.

HOWEVER…there are always options. There is always choice. The choices don’t need to be huge and dramatic. they can be gentle and small, inching us into a new mindset, a new possibility. They don’t need to be billboarded for all to see; they don’t need to be for anyone’s criticism. They can be simply yours.

When you make a choice for a change, no matter how small it may seem, it creates an empowerment that speaks volumes. We don’t have to put it on blast. We simply embody it, and begin to live it. It doesn’t mean we don’t share it - but we don’t have to make sure everybody knows, so there!!!

We don’t have to take on the self-appointed arbiter of anything. We simply need to quietly make a choice, and lean into it.

As always, we will find the “do not” before the “do”. That’s fine. We can acknowledge we no longer what xyz and then simply claim a new and positive choice.

Sometimes, these will be very large picture choices; sometimes they will be very specific and defined. Sometimes, you will have both.

Begin with what you want. Do you know in the big picture? More specific and detailed? What are you choosing to create that possibility? What are you choosing to sabotage that possibility?

Create a road map. This map outlines the steps of possibility, and the possible sabotages along the way.

Once we become clear, and honest with ourselves, it’s much easier to discover clarity and the steps to inform that clarity.

If you’ve ever asked yourself “why do I keep finding myself here?” You know what I mean.

Why are we choosing to continue to loop back around, if it’s not serving us? Is there a payoff somewhere in some twisted way?

Making a choice and then slowly and methodically taking steps for change doesn’t happen immediately. It needs attention, time, and purpose.

However, once you KNOW, you know. If you are putting the pieces together in order to make change, then that choice is moving forward.

You do not have to be an “all or nothing” choice maker. Life doesn’t work like that. Especially if you are dealing with bigger life choices and behaviors. The first thing is acknowledging what you need and want to change. Then it’s about clearing space for that change to be realized.

If you are a recovering people pleaser, have a survival and scarcity mindset, feed on drama, and the list goes on - these are LEARNED BEHAVIORS. We revert so quickly if we don’t make a conscious effort and decision to DO SOMETHING ELSE to lead us away from that old behavior.

So, today, what are you choosing? What choices are you making unconsciously that need to be brought to your consciousness? How do they manifest in your life? Saying “No More!” isn’t enough.

What steps are you going to take, and are you able to take in order make the change?

Let me know if this resonates and know you aren’t there by yourself. We ALL deal with this.

with fondness & fierceness,


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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