What’s the quote about potential? “Nothing is more common than unfulfilled potential”.

Have you been told you have potential?

Have you opened it and discovered what it actually is? What it could actually become?

“There is no heavier burden than an unfulfilled potential”.

Over time, potential may not be a positive anymore. It really depends on how we move that potential into a reality.

I hate seeing this. When I see potential and then it’s not cultivated and developed, or used as an excuse not as an asset, it makes me sad.

So, you have potential. So does everybody in some shape or form. Potential for what? And what will you do with it? Potential is actually something we, as artists and human beings, can develop and inhabit!

Potential gives possibility.

Potential doesn’t get you to the door, doesn’t open the door, and doesn’t get you over the threshold.

Nobody past that threshold wants to hear “but I have POTENTIAL!”

What can you DO?

So, there you are with potential. You can see the door. What if that door opens and they invite you to approach. Now what?

Are you ready to walk through?
Are you having a panic attack?

Are you confident in your ability, your craft, your longevity?

Are you hoping you don’t get found it?

So, I actually have the magic to that. I am happy to be the fairy godmother with the wand.

Here it is:

Do the work.

Be ready.

Develop the potential. Claim it. Be it. Honor it.


Potential is only the beginning. Potential is passive. YOU do the active work.

Don’t you want to be ready to walk through the door? Not make excuses as to why you can’t?

Is it easy to move from potential to active readiness? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Is it necessary? It is, if you truly want what you say you want.

Being honest with yourself is crucial. Finding a way to stay ready is crucial. Surrounding yourself with a team that holds you accountable is crucial.

So, there’s the door.

What’s your response? Are you ready to walk through with no excuse?

Are you needing more time to find that realization of potential?

Do what you need to do. Don’t walk through until you know you can be in that room without panic or fight or flight. It’s okay not to be ready yet. Just commit to getting ready.

Unrealized potential is probably one of the saddest things I see. I want to see you claim that potential and take control of your possibilities. The possibilities are endless and could actually lead your potential in a way you hadn’t thought of or considered before.

So, there’s the door. As you approach it, it should excite you, not scare you. Walk through when you are ready, not when you think you are ready.

Fulfill that potential. Lean into it. Claim it.

Respond to the door assertively and with purpose.

I believe in you. You need to believe in you and do the work to claim it all.

with fondness & fierceness,


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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