I wish I could tell you that technical behavior behaves NOW.

Unfortunately the practice of behavior is a commitment and an arc of time.

Technical behavior is a connection between consciousness and unconsciousness. it is a conversation between mind and body, mind and vibration, body and breath.

Technical behavior is active, and reactive.

If we consider technical behavior always in development, adjustment, finessing, changing, morphing, then the so-called “end point” won’t HAVE to exist. That takes a great deal of mental pressure off the process, doesn’t it?

“Mastering” your technical behavior is really more about creating a deep awareness in the conscious mind in order for the unconscious mind to absorb it. It’s active and ever-evolving.

As the mind absorbs, so does the body. Often these things don’t happen simultaneously, Often the mind gets it, but the body has other ideas! If we don’t recognize this can happen, and more often does than doesn’t, we get frustrated, fed up and can’t understand why we are unable to “DO” it.

Slow your roll young grasshopper.

First, we all get frustrated. Second, we all are discovering what “mastering behavior” is, over and over again.

As many of us are Type A (who, me?) we demand a lot of ourselves. We expect a lot of ourselves. When that demand and that expectation doesn’t line up to our timeline, imposter syndome, self-doubt and more can creep in, or make a very loud entry into the process.

So, what do we need? What does the mind need? What does the psyche need? What does the body need? What does the voice need?

If we slow down enough to answer each question honestly, (and saying “I don’t know” is an answer btw), this is when the PROCESS of developing technical behavior begins to emerge.

Now, many of you may do this unconsciously already. However, becoming consciousness of process can give you so much more information and nuance as you continue to explore what technical behavior is to you.

One thing I DO know: there is no “NOW” in building technical behavior. It doesn’t happen NOW. So, what IS happening?

NOW is the starting place TODAY. It won’t be the same as yesterday. Nor will tomorrow’s starting place be the same. NOW is fresh without expectation other than your desire to be present and explore possibility.

When you are able to access a nuance, an adjustment in the studio it doesn’t mean it’s behavior. It means that the possibility to create it is there to claim. NOW you need to explore that, integrate that, absorb that in a conscious and specific way, in order to create ease in repetition, ease in endurance, ease in stamina. Not until that ease finds its way from consciousness to unconsciousness is the behavior complete.

The process you create for yourself to develop, address and claim behavior is yours to access NOW.

So, recognize what wanting it NOW actually is. What is the “it” and what is the “now”.

Behavior follows the “now” with contemplation, which has a sacred quality about it. With that deep thinking, and observation, it moves to preparation, to action, and to maintenance. Each phase is crucial and can happen simultaneously, or individually. The time it takes is as individual as your voice itself.

So, move with your “now”. Lean into the consciousness of it. Your mind, your body, your spirit and your voice will lead you if you listen.

with fondness & fierceness,


Susan Eichhorn Young covers all things voice—strong and sophisticated singing and speaking. 

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