Susan Eichhorn Young

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Thrilled to Announce…welcome to the fall season

Happy September!

We are now getting into my favorite time of year and entering “back to school” fall season.

We also start seeing #thrilledtoannounce posts on social media as performers begin to announce what they are booked to do this season.

This can be fabulous, but it can also be exhausting and cause a great deal of angst and frustration if you are an artist feeling as if you have little or nothing to be thrilled about or to announce.

Our collective industries are still recovering, rebuilding, and rediscovering post-pandemic.

Each of you is doing the same.

Things are different. Approaches have changed. Timelines have changed. There simply has to be change for growth.

Growth is uncomfortable even if it’s exhilarating. Change is scary even when it’s necessary.

Many artists have simply left the business during this time. That doesn’t mean they gave up. This isn’t a negative! Many have simply said “enough” and found another path that allows them to live a life they want and that they can sustain.

Many are realizing it’s not an all or nothing.

So how are you approaching YOUR fall season?

Releasing what used to be, is going to make room for new possibility - both in mindset and activity. If you are clinging to a season pre-pandemic in mindset, that will not serve you now. You are simply getting in your own way.

So now what?

What are you excited about? What gives you momentum and energy? Why do you do what you do in the first place?

Get thrilled to announce that.

Are you practicing?

Are you getting curious?

Are you taking a new class or getting back into vocal shape?

Are you learning new music or revisiting roles you have done so you are ready when the call comes?

Are you finding creativity in your day to day?

Are you simply living like an artist?

What have you discovered about yourself in the past few years and through this summer? Are you committed to discovering more of you?

Create your OWN PERSONAL meme:

and begin listing what you are doing and what you have done to prepare yourself for the next possibility:

  • I say “no” as a full sentence without explanation

  • I say “yes!” without qualifying my suspicion

  • I have grown in therapy

  • I have released my anger

  • I have found joy in the day to day

  • I am taking a class with …

  • I am committing to practicing daily

  • I am re-structuring this role into my voice and body

  • I am back at the gym

  • I am treating myself like the vocal athlete I am

  • I am finding creativity in …

  • I have secured my boundaries

  • I am ready to sing XYZ

  • I am calling in the following roles…

Get the idea?

You will find that your #thrilledtoannounce is FULL and EXPANSIVE. I would love to see how creative you can get with a #THRILLEDTOANNOUNCE social media post! Tag me!

Now, go get that coffee and apple cider donut and welcome your fall season of YOUR LIFE, not just your career.

with fondness & fierceness,

and a gentle kick in the pants,